September 18, 2007

My Fine Feathered Friend

I freely admit to having an abiding crush on Vanessa Williams. She's a long-standing member in the top ten of my Who-Would-You-Do list. I've adored her since she first came to national attention as Miss America in 1984.

This dress she wore to the recent Emmy Awards, this lovely feathered frock, this whimsical garment in the most delightful shade of sea green, worn with impeccable posture topped with a radiant smile and perfectly coiffed hair, her fine form wondrously svelte and curvy in all the right places, has been roundly criticized in the press as a fashion faux pas!

I so beg to differ.
She can feather my nest any day.



Me. Here. Right now. said...

A fine woman to have on your to-do list. However, my heart (is that my heart?) belongs to Sela Ward.

Gina said...

I think she is one of the most gorgeous women. I love her on Ugly Betty. I assume you watch Ugly Betty religiously, then?

Middle Girl said...

What dress?

Hummy in the extreme!!

Syd said...

We had a mild struggle over Queen Latifah. I will totally take you to the mat over Vanessa.

(oooh, that sounds so dirty, LOL)

Anonymous said...

I wanna watch Syd take you to the mat

Suzanne said...

I do adore her in Ugly Betty, yes. She's perfect for that role.

As for you Syd, bring it! Maybe kitty litter will stick around to clean you off the mat. ;)

weese said...

not to worry... i'll clean the mat.

Syd said...

hahaha, of course Weese will clean the mat. And the ropes. And the carpet...

Anonymous said...

Given her history she just might do you too. Weese can still wipe up the mat. ~eb

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of Sandra Bullock myself but wouldn't mind seeing Vanessa OUT of that dress!

weese said...

my history? :)

Anonymous said...

I have to say I couldn't agree with you more. She was stunning. Lots of them were this year, in fact. A refreshing change.

And by the way? Straight as I am, I'm totally down with hahn's choice of Sela Ward. I'd go there.

Anonymous said...

No...given Vanessa Williams' history. Oh how soon we forget the porno Miss American. She of the fallen crown.

Suzanne said...

Oh I haven't forgotten her sordid past, I just don't care.

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Wow.

Baba Doodlius said...


What is she, some sort of BARBARIAN?!?!?!?