October 15, 2007

Impromptu Poll

Say you stumble across a pan of brownies.
Which do you covet more: a center cut or an edge piece?

Mmmmmmmm. Brownies.



Anonymous said...

I would have to go with an outside edge piece. But the days of brownies are gone to the way side for me......

Anonymous said...

Um, from the looks of things, you seem to covet the middle, the edge, the corner, and anything in between. Way to leave us some.

The corner. I'm also up for the heels from crusty loaves of bread, just for the record.

Me. Here. Right now. said...

Edge--the crusty soft edge. Now. Going out to the kitchen. Bye.

KellyNerd said...

Um. I dont understand the question. Why do we have to choose? I want a piece of both!

weese said...

me - corner
my sweet wife - dead center
Tho I don't eat brownies - just ask Max and E. :)

Anonymous said...

Definitely edge. That's why I bought one of those labyrinth-shaped pans that makes all edge pieces.

Granny said...

Definitely the corner. (Two edges that way).

Chelle said...

I go for the chewy center, although when that's gone the edge will do.

Unknown said...

A centre piece, most surely, brownies are the only baking item of which the crust is not the best part.

Lee said...

inside for me, J takes the edges....another reason our relationship works so well :)

Syd said...

Corner, please.

Anonymous said...

I'd probablt throw out the brownies and take the dish they were cooked in

sporksforall said...

Middle for sure. Preferably slightly undercooked.

SassyFemme said...

Center piece, definitely.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the corner category, too. The more edge the better.

Middle Girl said...

Well, depending on the day(s)...all of it will do fine, thank you. :)

tiff said...

I'm with Sporksforall on this one.

Mmmm, brownies.

Project Mother's Love said...

Center, every time.

danzer1986 said...

yea i say center..the edges are too ruff.. center is soft and delicious

Anonymous said...

Never saw weese eat a brownie or anything brownie-like. Not once. Nope. ~eb

Gina said...

EDGE! Chewier!

Cate said...

Hi, I'm Cate, the lurker. It's nice to meet you. I arrived via Sassy...or Deb...or eb...or someone around here.

Corner piece, please? With milk?

I love your blog.

party b said...

corner... mmmm, edgy goodness!

Anonymous said...

Shoot... late to the party and all the corners have been spoken for!

nina michelle said...

well I will admit it... I am the one who snatches the mixing bowl and spoon after you have poured the brownie concoction into the pan.

agoodlistener said...

Corner is optimal. Same principle as with sheet pizza: better handle!

Melodee said...

The edge, for sure.

Followed by a piece of the middle.

Then another edge.

(In the old fat days, anyway.)

cbar said...

The edge, I love the chewy edge pieces. I also love to look at pictures of brownies...much less fattening than actually eating them.

Anonymous said...

You mean, I can only have ONE??

Val said...

I wouldn't turn down either if offered, however, I prefer the corner or some edge piece if no corner is available.

weese said...

ok.. cmon now.
30 comments on brownies.
lets get crackin' here.

Gunfighter said...

You leave a whole pan and expect me to choose when Ihave it to myself.

I laugh in your general direction. The whole pan is goin' down!

Emmy said...

I love brownies!

Anonymous said...

The corner, preferably! YUMMMYYY! I want some right now!!!

Rebecca said...

Mmmmmmmm..the middle soft a gooey part.....having said that, I have gone off chocolate because of the slave labour used to produce it! But I can still dream!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Would you finish these darn things off already?!!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Here, I'll help you finish them off! They are just sitting there on the screen looking all yummy and delicious and teasing the hell out of all of us lady!! MMM MMM pass 'em through the screen...come on now...

Eyes for Lies said...

Always the ooey-gooey center. I grew up with a mom who loved crunchy things so ooey-gooey became a rarity and special like gold to me :)

I always wanted soft and chewy and always got hard and crunchy.

Anonymous said...

If it's brownies, then I want an inside piece. Cake is a different story.

Anonymous said...

I saw this today and it made me think of you. And of all my fellow "corner piece, please" commenters.

Anonymous said...

You eat all of them. Mmmm.... looks good.

Robin said...

Center for me!

Robin said...

I like gooey.