January 26, 2008

Caturday & Coffee

Many who know me are painfully aware I thrive on silliness. Be that a blessing or curse (and let me assure you it can be both), I am compelled to jump on the silly train more often than not. It is a force not to be denied.

It has become a routine, a favorite habit, a Saturday morning coffee ritual: Caturday! Perusing cat pictures. Cat pictures with captions: lolcats, internet silliness at its finest. My current favorites, let me show you them.

Enjoyment of cat-speak can require putting aside one's grammar-nazi ways. I've learned to roll with it on Caturday.

Let's try some kitten-speak:

Did you giggle? Say "awwwwww"? The cute factor gets me every time. I'm a sucker for cute. (My girlfriend, have you met her?)

Some kitties are more literate.

This next photo has made the rounds with many different captions, but this one, well, I consider it near lolcat perfection:

So what's the point? They make me laugh. Felines exude personality and are endlessly photogenic. The folks who caption them add icing to cake. Kudos to the creators! The sheer silliness pleases me greatly.

Last Caturday, fresh off a dose of lolcats with the chuckles still reverberating, I chanced to peruse a set of childhood pictures a friend posted online. I came across a photo that instantly reminded me of this:

I was compelled to create this.

It just couldn't be helped.
I'm certain the featured child will understand.



Anonymous said...

brilliant pictures i love the website icanhascheezburger.com makes me laugh some of the cat fotos on there!

Anonymous said...

Every time I go on that damn site, whole days disappear before I resurface.

Rita said...

Wickedly funny pictures! You have a great blog!

nina michelle said...

I promised myself I would not make a pussy comment...


weese said...

cat pictures
on saturdays

Martin said...

the featured child ADORES your creation. oh, and by the way.

mai pokemans IZ tellin me to killz yu.

SassyFemme said...

So freakin' cute and funny!

Middle Girl said...

As a fairly new kitty convert, I'm all thumbz up!

Anonymous said...

These are the funniest pictures I've seen in awhile. Thanks for sharing. The cats on top of the pizza boxes had me rolling at work. OMG.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! Anudder cheezburger luvr! Woo-hoo!! Lolcats make my day, and I go there as often as possible. I now caption my own pictures, just for fun (if you have pets, it's almost impossible not to).

jennifer said...

Thanks for today's best laughs - particularly enjoyed the final pokemon creation! How DID you read her mind from that distance of space and time?

Blog Antagonist said...

I just found that site recently, and I was sucked in for hours. It's the "capshonz" and how perfectly they seem to express what's going on in the pictures that make them so funny.

Loved your interpretation.

tiff said...

LOLCats = near perfect fun. You are not alone in your love thereof!

Also? Your hair rawks!!!

weese said...


Anonymous said...

I tried not to laugh. Another failure! happy Caturday!

Jujube said...

Oh man, those things crack me up.