May 21, 2007

Informal Poll

While brushing your teeth, do you usually:
A. Wander around multi-tasking, or

B. Remain stationary at the bathroom sink?

Thank you for your time and have a nice day.



Chelle said...

I'm definitely an at the sink brusher. I'd just make a mess if I tried to do anything else.

chapin said...

I wander around while I brush. I love to watch TV sitting on the side of the bed while I brush.

mbick said...

Sinkstander here. And, despite years of knowing better, I still have to remind/make myself turn off the water while I am brushing.

Deb Heller said...

I wander until I start drooling, or the Mrs. pushes me back into the bathroom. Otherwise I'm bored to tears.

tiff said...

when the kids are around I wander. When they're not, I'm stationary.

This might say something about me, but I refuse to think about what it might be.

Anonymous said...

both-- in the morning I brush in the shower while, well, having my morning shower. Otherwise, I am a sink stander.

Anonymous said...

I stand at the sink and never let go of the brush handle until I'm finished.

party b said...

couldn't imagine leaving H out of my sight so I am a devoted multitasker!

sporksforall said...

I have to stand very still or I get toothpaste all over myself and the world. I am that messy.

Gina said...

Gotta be over the sink in case I get a little overenthusiastic with the toothpaste.

Me. Here. Right now. said...

I wander everywhere...then race to the sink just as I begin looking like a rabid animal, frothing at the mouth.

Anonymous said...

sink brusher, in fact I need the mirror to brush my teeth. Oh and I leave the water on, just a slight dribble......

Anonymous said...

Sink stander - I use an electric toothbrush and I make enough splatter mess as it is.

Anonymous said...

I try to multi-task, but it usually ends badly.

weese said...

multitasking while brushing.

When I am brushing ...I am brushing - that is my task. I stay until I am done.
Tho, if there were a fire say... then I would leave the sink area.

Melodee said...

I do both. Sometimes I stand still, sometimes I wander.

Zoe said...

sinkstander. I'm too messy not to.

mute said...

I've tried to wander and do other things, but then I just end up perched in front of a different sink.

Middle Girl said...

depends on the demands of the morning (and who else might be up) more often than not...a wanderer.

Anonymous said...

Is this going to go into some sort of bathroom book that includes the 'how many rolls do you use per week' poll?

I think next your next post should ask what people like to read while they poo.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Nice, easy poll, I love it! I multi-task and cannot stand still.

Geek Dyke said...

I normally clean my face at the same time or walk around picking things up.

Unknown said...

multi-task until drool starts dribbling down my chin

Anonymous said...

Stationary at the sink.

With the water running.

I KNOW. I am an evil doer, and the planet's imminent demise is all my fault.


Gunfighter said...

Sinkstander, big time!

Val said...

sink stander - wouldn't think of moving away and curse me, but the water is running...

SassyFemme said...

Sink... I'm a total slob when brushing. I don't get how people can move around and not make a mess! Fran is also a sink stander, but I think it's because she just focuses on one task at a time.

weese said...

Jennifer - you can brush with the water off... I promise.

Eyes for Lies said...

29 comments. WOW. You have a great following :)

I usually remain at the sink. I fear spreading droplets of toothpaste water all over if I don't stay in place. I use an electronic toothbrush that has so power to it.

jeanie said...

Sink, tap off (country girl) and mouth open - apparently there are other ways, but that is mine. My mulitasking will run to making lists in my head, but unless I am really short of time and my parents are about to descend and the house is post-bomb decor I am at the sink looking at anything in the mirror except for me!

Anonymous said...

weese - yes, I'm sure it is possible. In theory, anyway.

If it helps any, my house is virtually green otherwise, from the lightbulbs to the thermostat to the recycling and composting outweighing trash 5:1.

If it doesn't help any, what can I say.

Stacy said...

I wonder about and then, when I'm almost late for work, and a dab of toothpaste lands right on my nice clean shirt, I think: NEVER AGAIN.

Until the next morning.

weese said...

thats awesome Jennifer.
so then...keep that water running so I at least have that to tease you about :)

cbar said...

Most of the time, I'm stationary..
Although, I must admit, to save time (AND WATER!) I will actually brush my teeth in the shower. :)

agoodlistener said...

At the sink. I only spit once, so you can imagine the volume of liquid that builds up whilst churning away in there. Be a shame to dribble on my shirt.

Izzy Frost said...

I sit on the edge of the tub and brush while my 23 month old twins stand in front of me, copying my actions with their own toothbrushes. Quite a sight. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a wanderer.

I *can't* stand still that long. And the list of how much I can multi-task while brushing is quite long.

Robin said...

I'm a wanderer.

KMae said...

I stagger I mean wander around aimlessly, butt naked with my electric toothbrush. Or I may sit on the pot & brush... (sheepish grin..)

Robin said...

Why do you ask?

Anonymous said...

I wander around - seemingly like most people - because I get bored staring at myself in the mirror.

Just had to visit your blog. Got quite a following here!

tiff said...

Oh, and it's a good thing you didn't take Wordsmiths Unlimited off your blogroll. It appears as though the show MUST go on. Again. New challenge to be posted soon.

Udge said...

Wanderer, though calling that "multitasking" would be an exaggeration. I usually just turn lights on/off or look out the front and back windows to be sure that the sky isn't falling.

Bill said...

I'm pretty stationary since I do it in the shower; but isn't that multi-tasking?

Amanda said...

I used to wander, but now with a baby on my hip and a toddler on my leg it's tough. Mainly I try not to spit on the arms they wave in front of me as they try to swipe the foam that explodes around my mouth no matter how delicate U try to be.