July 11, 2005

Mother Nature Decorates?

We had a big storm blow through here last Thursday night.
I found this on the roof of my car the next morning.



Bent Fabric said...


Gina said...

Completely wasted on you, Suzanne! :)

weese said...

I find this piece moving. It's negative space causes me to ponder the randomness of life and the use of relection helps me to understand the artists point of view as if seen in a mirror thereby making relavant the upside down and backwards thinking we so often encounter in society while at the same time using a natural medium atop the cold stark man made shiny metal juxtaposes the inane with the true meaning of life.... all the while feeling the aloneness of the pine cones, ripped from their home- subjacting the emotions of...

~* whew...sorry - had an art school flashback *~

paula said...

reminds me of my ex-husband.