September 1, 2004

Link Etiquette

I was having some thoughts about links. Not sausage links. Internet links. Specifically blogroll links. Is there such a thing as link etiquette? Or do things work the way I think they work, which is "anything goes"?

There are several blogs I have on my blogroll that also link back to this site via their own blogrolls. Some list this site as I have entitled it: Suburban Lesbian. Others modify the title so it reads differently on their blogroll. In one instance, I understand why the name has been changed, as in The Original Suzanne. That one is easy. I've changed the name of her blog on my blogroll also (but that is also because I don't understand the name she has given her blog... I keep meaning to ask what it means but never remember to do so).

It's the others that confuse me. Why would anyone feel the need to change the title of my blog? Is the word "lesbian" hard for some people to use on their own website? Is it that they don't want to be associated with anything gay? Or do they think that merely displaying the word "lesbian" may lead people to believe the site displaying the word has a gay author or theme? Or do they feel "lesbian" in general is too controversial? Or they don't want to have their own readers think they are associated with anything "lesbian"? Or have they modified my blog name on their blogroll for reasons unrelated to the word "lesbian", leaving me to overthink and overanalyze something that is really nothing? And are there people who visit here regularly and keep a blogroll but omit this site from it because it has "lesbian" in the title? Or do they omit it because, while they may visit regularly, it's not something they wish to share with others?

I'm thinking far too much about a subject that really doesn't deserve such deep thought. This is nothing new.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Barry, that makes a great deal of sense.
Thanks for pointing out what probably
should have been obvious to me. :)