November 12, 2007

The Number One...

.... thing I don't want to hear my girlfriend say while she's waxing my eyebrows: "Whoops!"

There will be no pictures.



Middle Girl said...

Quite understandable.

Me. Here. Right now. said...

Indeed, more than quite understandable. Can I help you come up with ideas for your revenge?

SassyFemme said...

Oh no! I can relate to this, and now have an eyebrow pencil for just such occasions.

Zoe said...

This is exactly why I pay my hairdresser to wax my brows.

Gina said...

Yikes! Yup, you need to get an eyebrow pencil!

maxine said...

This is why there are licensed professionals.

Anonymous said...

oh no! come on, we need pics!

WenWhit said...

It is NOT that noticeable. It was a little whoopsie.

Anonymous said...

OMG. Yeah, I think I would start screaming LMAO! Well, I'd already be screaming because of the wax anyway...hahahaha. Come on everyone! PICTURES! PICTURES! PICTURES!

chapin said...

At least it was in the brow area. :-)

sporksforall said...

Wax, huh? Tweezing give such satisfaction, but then there's no one else to blame...

weese said...

yes. us.
and... note maxines comment.
there are some things we should just not do on our own.

WenWhit said...

Um... Just because Sammy learned that tip doesn't mean WE have, Weese.

author said...

LOL this is funny, well not really, but you know.

I just found your blog which is odd as we have a lot in common including some of your readers/friends.
You have a new fan in me.