March 9, 2007

Play Ball!

The last house we lived in was half a block from the high school baseball field. I could hear the sounds while hanging out the bathroom window. Or see it when driving home. Many an evening Wendy and I were drawn by those sights and sounds, the crack of the bat, the umpire's call. Off we'd go to sit in the bleachers and watch the boys play baseball.

Now we are three blocks from the high school and can't hear a damned thing. One must strain even to hear the marching band on football nights. Another sound I miss from the old 'hood are the bells from the Catholic church. When I was at my friend Tina's house last week, those bells tolled. Very nice.

But back to those other sounds, the sounds of baseball! The season is at hand which means, among other things, Fantasy Baseball preparations have begun. Or more precisely on my part, thoughts of preparation.

If you didn't play with us in our Blog Fantasy Football League, you missed out on the opportunity to win the fabulous trophy bestowed upon the Champion.

It currently adorns our mantle.
Wendy's name is engraved upon it.
She allows me to dust it.

Just what type of trophy will Commissioner Sporks select for the baseball champion? The buzz has already begun.

The baseball trophy could become yours! We've got room in our league for more teams. Novice, expert, tweener. Matters not.

Any takers?
Drop me a line!



Anonymous said...

While I was deeply hurt and am just - only now - recovering from lack of inclusion in the Fantasy Football League, I have to pass on this one. I despise professional baseball at the Major League level for myriad rationales and reasons. I'm afraid my heart just wouldn't be in it.

But? I'm soooooooo flattered to have been asked. :-)

SassyFemme said...

Not for baseball, but if y'all were doing one for WNBA, then I'd be there.

agoodlistener said...

I like to watch the rec leagues play softball here, too. I am certainly not in your league when it comes to fantasy baseball, though. I am mildly interested in baseball, but I don't even know the Indians roster until I get to a game sometime in June.