October 27, 2004

Many Different Faces

As my yoga class was wrapping up tonight, as usual we were sitting around putting our shoes on and rolling up our mats. One of my classmates, an older woman, said to the group "This time next week...." and then she paused.

We all knew she was referring to the election. After she paused briefly, she finished her sentence with "... the election will be over."

Loud-Breathing-Man (that's what I call him because that's what he does during class) laughed and said "Unless it's like the last one. Then it won't be over for weeks."

However true that may be, I find it more alarming than funny. Some of the others laughed, but nervously.

Then the woman said just to me "I've worked so hard on this election!"

I looked at her and had to ask. Because you really can't tell just by looking at someone. "On which side?" I smiled.

"John Kerry, of course!"

I said, "Whew. At times I'm afraid to ask that question."

She nodded knowingly and then handed me a Kerry/Edwards button. "Wear this," she said. "We're going to win next week."

I seriously hope her prophesy comes true.


jeckles said...

I hope her prediction is right too. And I know exactly what mean about being afraid to ask people what "side" they are on. It is very difficult to live in country as divided as this.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I hope her prophesy comes true as well.

Mir said...


elswhere said...

My partner skipped her yoga class this evening so we could go to a get-out-the-vote-for-Kerry meeting. When she told her yoga insructor why she was skipping, the teacher said "Good. That's yoga too." Cool, huh?