October 28, 2004

NaNo Jitters

The first of the month is creeping closer. No, it's not creeping. It's racing toward us.

I'm excited, because I've got all these words waiting to hit the page. I've been suppressing them because once I start it's hard to stop. At least in the past, once I get started writing it's hard to stop. I've got my outline. And my general ideas. And lots of holes which will (hopefully) be fun to fill.

I'm also scared. Yes. Me. Scared. It's true. I'm a big scaredy-cat. Believe it. I'm afraid that all these words that are currently itching to get written will evaporate and dry up the minute November 1 arrives.


The Mistress of the Dark said...

A few thoughts from a person that writes too much.

50,000 words = approximately 100 pages in a Microsoft Word document.

If you wrote 5 pages a day for 30 days you'd have 150 pages.

I'm working on a novel I started last month..I'm at page 158 right now.

I couldn't do the whole Nano thing because I'm a compulsive editor. When something feels wrong I have to go back and look it over.

Good luck to you!

Melodee said...

I'm excited to hear about how it goes! You're going to do great.

Lorianne said...

I just landed here via BlogExplosion...pleased to "meet" you! I'm thinking of doing the NaNo thing, too, so it's encouraging to hear from someone else who's "jittering"! :-)

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the encouragement, y'all. :)

Music Whore, the compulsive editing thing is exactly the habit I hope to break during this exercise!

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Maybe next November I won't be in the midst of a project and I'll try it. I have so many ideas for stories though..that I almost always end up being in the midst of one when Nano starts.

If you figure out how to write without editing..let me know. Cos I can't break the habit at all :(

Pisces75 said...

You will do fine. It is good to have jitters. I wish you all the luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm in too, even though the pic isn't on my site yet... Don't be nervous. It's my first one, but hey, as long as we're trying, right?

You can do it!

elswhere said...

It'll be great. We'll all be in it together--that's what gave me the nerve to sign up in the first place. Just keep thinking about how it's the volume that counts.