March 1, 2005

The Cardboard Roll

A relatively new phenomenon has developed into one of the great mysteries of our household. I suppose it is possible it is not a new phenomenom at all, rather Wendy and I just never previously noticed. Or if we noticed, we just didn't care. (I'll leave the deeper thinking about why we perhaps have both taken notice now for another time. I mean, surely this issue gives cause for deeper thinking? Rest assured, parents, when your nest is empty, you, too, will have time to contemplate such fascinating issues of vital interest and importance.)

I do not understand why this
more often results in this
rather than this.

I ask you.
Does this happen in your homes?
What is up with that?



Katie said...

No doubt that happens-- which is why Partner has insisted that all toilet paper dispensers we buy are the one-pronged kind, where you can just slide the roll off and on--noooo problem. The catch? We've been living in our house since July and still have yet to buy any of those cool little devices.

whispers said...

at this house (we are emptynesters for the second time) we try to blame the newly potty trained granddaughter, and then later her tiny tush that slides off the seat when trying to reach the roll on its spindle......

they moved out 6 weeks now no real excuse....except visits, maybe?

Pisces75 said...

Sometimes in our house it gets so bad that the new roll will rest on the empty roll...leaning on the wall. How sad is that? We can rest it on there, but not pop the holder out and put it on?

Eyes for Lies said...

I fight the urge every time I change the roll. I struggle mind against body, back and forth -- from the moment I pull it out of the plastic until the moment I use it but eventually I will my hand to change the roll and refuse my mind's lazy whim!! It's a big effort, rest assured. I have no little gremlins I can blame either! Damn.

J said...

At lesat you've been blessed with a partner who will put a fresh roll on the counter. While my love is most perfect in every way, tp replacement is not her forte. This lack of action often leads to an uncomfortable walking journey to the supply cabinet across the room. Be thankful for what you have!

Jennifer said...

I'm blessed with a considerate partner who replenishes the stock, as well. But truth be told, I've no idea if I even HAVE spindles on the holders any more. If so, there must be *some* rare and wonderful, perhaps crafty, use for them...

Gina said...

We, like Blueher, sometimes leave the new roll sitting atop the old one. BUT, I lay the blame fully upon my two year old. Sometimes I can hear weird noises, or worse yet, complete silence in the other room, and I just don't have time to change the dang thing.

Bev Sykes said...

(a) yes, I have noticed the same phenomenon and
(b) I'm glad to see that when the TP *does* get on the spindle at your house, that it goes the proper way, i.e., over the top.

Gel said...

Gr8 post. It used to happen in our house, until the roll fell in the toilet and others besides me fished it out!

I'm still battling that "one sheet of TP left on the roll, but someone is too lazy to change it to a full roll" thing.