September 12, 2006

Across the Generational Divide

The suburban dog plays many roles, not the least of which is to entertain her adoring humans. Pixie was recently tasked to play debutante in a silly game amongst friends. Adorned with my grandmother's pearls, she assumed a regal, sphinx-like stance for the requisite photo.

Of note, this is the first decent picture we have of her awake. Typically she is in constant motion and therefore difficult to pixellate. Her other gear is asleep. Ever wonder how many photos of a sleeping dog constitute too many? I think I know the answer.

Yet wearing the pearls seemed to imbue her with a sense of solemnity and tradition, as, we all know, pearls are wont to do.

I'm pretty sure she's the first dog to wear that strand.
My grandmother would be so proud.



KMae said...

SO SO PREcious!!!!!!
Such an adorable face!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! That's a great pictue. So very regal, your pup....

Middle Girl said...

She's a vision. Those big brown eyes, oh my.

nina michelle said...


(she'll know what I mean)

Eyes for Lies said...

Wow, regal is right. She looks smashingly beautiful!!! A star!

Give her a hug and compliment from me!

sporksforall said...

Dogs in pearls is the best innovation in digital photography since, well, ever.

Syd said...

The iniquity of putting your grandmother's pearls on a dog makes me swell with envy.

I can only aspire to such irreverence.


Anonymous said...

Cute pooch!

Anonymous said...

She is looking at you like "woman, you best not be thinkin' you'll be gettin' these gems back anytime soon" if you ask me.

Classy lady, that one. ;-)

Career Guy said...

Great job on the photography! Usually their eyes get all wonky and weird, but you had just the right angle. She does look like she knows she's something special here.

SassyFemme said...

Oh great. Now Molly (my dog) wants to go play in my jewelry!

WenWhit said...

Just confirms how she has us both wrapped around her little paw. I do so adore that dog. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great idea with the pearls! HOW CUTE!

Suzanne said...

Two notes from the comments:

1. Wendy gets the photo credit.

2. Sporks and scout put pearls on their dog Biscuit first. Those two are such pearl girls, dontcha know.

Carol Roque said...

awesome puppy! and in pearls.
nice thing she's laying on, too(i like the colors).