September 30, 2004

Rainy Days and Mondays?

What is up with rainy mornings? Why does a bit of rain make it sooooo hard to get out of bed? And it's not just me who is affected. This morning our whole routine was altered because the dogs were fast asleep longer than they usually are. I got up, showered, fed the cat, and then woke up the dogs. Yes, you read that right. I had to WAKE UP our dogs this morning. They seemed surprised to see me standing there fully dressed.

Uh wait. I have no idea if the dogs notice what I'm wearing. They've never commented on it before, although they do have a special affinity for getting up-close and personal when I'm wearing my black slacks. The surprise on their faces this morning could have been something else altogether. Like not even surprise at all. Perhaps I had had the same "huh?" expression on my face when the alarm woke me up. More a "hey it's dark and wet outside, I can't possibly be expected to wake up to a morning like this!"

Yeah. I think we all looked like that.


elswhere said...

Bleah. I hear ya. Out here it's like that through most of the winter, so we (kind of) get used to it. But it is still Not Pretty. Hope the rest of the day is better...

Eyes for Lies said...

My dogs sleep more on dark days too. However, in winter my husband puts a light on a timer that turns on before the alarm -- and strangely -- we all wake up before the alarm. It's funny. Light is powerful :)