October 7, 2004

Got a Spare Pair?

Pair of arms, that is. Are you using yours today?

My yoga instructor had us doing so much work with our arms last night, I am not surprised that I'd really rather not move them this morning.

Oh sure, it started off innocently enough. We had our wonderful "lie on the floor in the dark, think of nothing but how your body feels, and put everything else out of your mind" beginning. Oh how I love those beginnings. Love love love!

But then. Oh yes. Then he got tricky. Then he made us start doing all these crazy exercises with our arms, masked as stretching which is supposed to feel good but after we did three or four rounds of these "stretching" exercises, it became painfully apparent to everyone in the room (except for the teacher who could probably do these particular exercises all night long and not even feel a twinge) that we would all be feeling it tomorrow.

Yet we all did it. Because that is why we were there.

And although I may not be able to move my arms today, I will always have the memory of the wonderful "lie on the floor in the dark, think of nothing but how your body feels, and put everything else out of your mind" ending.

Yes! That's how we end also. Oh how I love those endings. Love love love!

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