October 8, 2004

Word Up

Official NaNoWriMo 2004 ParticipantI've been poking around, learning as much as I can to prepare for the NaNoWriMo experience. There is much to consider outside of actually having an idea, plot, characters, and such. Today I'm thinking of The Schedule.

Writing a 50,000 word novel in a month breaks down to writing 1,667 words a day. Evidently it takes the average person about 1.5 hours to write 1,667 words. It shouldn't be hard to reserve 1.5 hours each day or some weekly combination of reserved hours to total the desired amount of time. I do have spare time. And I have the flexibility to schedule that time as I wish. To a great extent at least. Lucky me!

But November is a busy month. We have one four-day trip and one three-day weekend trip on the calendar already. And those trips will mean lost writing days. Seven lost writing days at 1,667 words per day equals 11,669 words, roughly 23% of the total desired word output. So already it is obvious that careful scheduling of time is necessary.

I'm going to get a big calendar and block out days and such and add word count objectives to each week. Doesn't mean I'll stick with it. But knowing where I should be versus where I am is something I personally need.

Well, it's one thing I need anyway.
I so adore planning ahead!
I so adore planning!


Melodee said...

Just don't you dare let that novel-writing stuff cut into your blogging time!

Jennifer said...

The pressure would kill me.

Good luck with that!!

elswhere said...

I am tempted by NaNoWriMo but don't think I could keep up the pace... was up all last night just working on my Blogging for Books entry. Writing a novel in a month might finish me off. I'll be there on the sidelines cheering you on, though!